Our Projects

St Martins Chapel Community Centre grounds

Working with the Chapel's committee, weed busting and follow up landscaping and planting with local native plants at this refurbished historical building which is now available for community use. We hope to include label ID on plants for local gardeners.

Working Bees & Weed-a-thons

We hold regular working bees around the town and district, weeding and revegetation. Beginners are welcome, training and equipment is provided. Weed -a-thons are weed busting extreme challenges! How many hours can we do over a period (eg. a long weekend) focusing on our worst weeds?

Workshop program

Interesting presentations from local experts have included injured wildlife rescue (BADGAR), wildlife monitoring with cameras (Wombat Forestcare), and how to take great photos of birds (local photographer). Stay tuned for this year's program.

River Watchers

Blackwood is located on the beautiful upper Lerderderg River, a Heritage River, and this citizen science project involves learning and monitoring the waterbugs, frogs, fish and other animals that call the river home.

Gardens for Wildlife

The Moorabool Gardens for Wildlife program has heaps of information on how to make your garden wildlife friendly which also means less weeds escaping into the forest around us. Landcare members are taking part as volunteer trained Garden Guides to help local residents.

War on Wasps

European wasps are a pest and as well as being annoying and dangerous to humans, they impact on the native insect population. Our annual War on Wasps encourages locals to trap queen wasps before they establish a hive.